1914-1918 / Deutscher Soldat beim Latrinengang. Cellofix – Postkarte D.R.P. Nr 176 323. German soldier on the latrine. Zustand gebraucht, Altersspuren / état usé, traces d'usage / condition used, aged (grown old). The card is slightly blessed and a little bit dirty. The corners are damaged. Eine Postkarte, unbeschrieben und ungestempelt / Carte Postal - vierge, n'a pas circulée / Postcard unwritten and not circulated. No right of cancellation and return, please inform you in advance. If you want more details, please ask. See scan. Shipping costs up to 50g . Please look at Top left→ Information → Shipping Costs. The payment has to be done within 14 days. By buying more items, there is shipping discount.